29 April 2022
Alex Miller
Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)
Congrats to Clojure friends Reify Health on their Series D funding this week!
Ed, Justin and Lindsey - Cognicast Episode 169 - Cognicast
Introducing Joyride - Use the Clojure REPL to script VS Code - CalvaTV
E69 Tutkain with Eero Helenius - ClojureStream Podcast
Biff demo: developing in production - Jacob O’Bryant
Clojure Web Development Evolved by Dmitri Sotnikov & Nik Peric - London Clojurians
Caching Clojure deps on Gitlab - Wilker Lucio
Packaging Clojure for Production - Joel Kaasinen
ClojureDart: Aim your darts at the right target! - Enyert Vinas
Correcting Markdown: Newlines - Asko Nõmm
Making Lambda Island Free - Lambda Island
Turning URLs Into Meaningful Names Using Clojure - David Schmudde
New releases and tools this week:
joyride 0.0.2 - Joyride VS Code with Clojure
confair - Confair is a configuration library for Clojure
clay 1-alpha10 - A tiny Clojure tool for a dynamic workflow with some of the more serious visual tools
portal 0.24.0 - A clojure tool to navigate through your data
fulcro 3.5.19 - A library for development of single-page full-stack web applications in clj/cljs
pathom3-graphql 2022.04.24 - Pathom3 GraphQL
honeysql 2.2.891 - Turn Clojure data structures into SQL
TrueGrit 1.0.7 - A data-driven, functionally-oriented, idiomatic Clojure library for using Resilience4j
fulcro-rad-semantic-ui 1.2.9 - Semantic UI Rendering Plugin for RAD
copy-trader - An open-source framework to facilitate copy-trading