08 April 2022
Alex Miller
Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)
As mentioned in last week’s Deref, we’ve released a Clojure 1.11.1 version that reverts the serialVersionUID for the clojure.lang.Keyword and clojure.lang.ArraySeq classes, which were unnecessarily changed in 1.11.0. We’ll be working on a broader change similar to this across all serializable Clojure implementation classes in 1.12.
I also wanted to highlight Max Datom, a fun browser-based game for learning Datomic. This has been a long-running passion project from Jarrod Taylor on the Datomic team and it’s great to finally see it out and available. Rumors abound of possible Max Datom swag to come in the future. ;)
Wilker Lucio - Episode 168 - Cognicast
#82 - Ben Sless - Defn Podcast
GoodGuesser: Sprinkle a little machine learning magic over your regular code! - Conrad Barski
Intro to Clojure CLI, deps.edn, aliases and tools.deps library. Build and Run Clojure app - Volodymyr Kozieiev
Expert Talk: Functional Programming • Russ Olsen & Christian Romney - GOTO 2022
Immutable Stack 2.0 building novus - 03 datomic transactions, schema & query - Vishal Gautam
Clerk: The Local-First Notebooks for Clojure - Faris - Clojure Asia
Meetup #146: Clerk - The Dutch Clojure Meetup
HikariCP & RDS IAM Authentication in Clojure - Kenny Williams
Build and run Clojure projects. CLI, tools.deps and deps.edn guide - Volodymyr Kozieiev
Hike - Deriving identity in mutable grids - Aris Spathis
Setting Up VS Code For Clojure And Overtone Development - Savo Djuric
New major release for Biff - Jacob O’Bryant
Clojure and what could’ve been - Miikka Koskinen
What Is Behind Clojure Error Messages? - Ariel Alexi and Arne Brasseur
You should be reading academic computer science papers - Ryan Donovan
Clay - SciCloj
New releases and tools this week:
Clojure CLI
Datomic 1.0.6397 - A transactional database with a flexible data model, elastic scaling, and rich queries
system 0.0.127 - donut.system is a dependency injection library for Clojure and ClojureScript that introduces system and component abstractions
cli-matic 0.5.3 - Compact, hands-free [sub]command line parsing library for Clojure
difftastic 0.25.0 - A diff that understands syntax
Pep 0.4 - Elemental Clojure & ClojureScript code navigation, documentation, and usages analysis for Sublime Text
clarktown 1.0.3 - A zero-dependency, pure-Clojure Markdown parser
rcf - RCF – a REPL-first, async test macro for Clojure/Script
clj-kondo 2022.04.08 - Static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy!
typedclojure 1.0.26 - An optional type system for Clojure
jsonlogic 1.0.0 - A jsonlogic implementation for Clojure
primitive-math 1.0.0 - for the discerning arithmetician
portal 0.23.0 - A clojure tool to navigate through your data
flint 0.1.2 - SPARQL DSL library for Clojure(Script)
babashka 0.8.0 - Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting
HugSQL 0.5.3 - HugSQL is a Clojure library for embracing SQL
neil 0.0.23 - A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects
Calva 2.0.263 - Calva is an integrated, REPL powered, development environment for enjoyable and productive Clojure and ClojureScript programming in Visual Studio Code
vim-iced 3.8.5 - Clojure Interactive Development Environment for Vim8/Neovim
rewrite-clj 1.0.767 - Rewrite Clojure Code and EDN
babashka.curl 0.1.2 - A tiny curl wrapper via idiomatic Clojure, inspired by clj-http, Ring and friends