
Learn Clojure - Flow Control

Statements vs. Expressions

In Java, expressions return values, whereas statements do not.

// "if" is a statement because it doesn't return a value:
String s;
if (x > 10) {
    s = "greater";
} else {
    s = "less or equal";

// Ternary operator is an expression; it returns a value:
obj.someMethod(x > 10 ? "greater" : "less or equal");

In Clojure, however, everything is an expression! Everything returns a value, and a block of multiple expressions returns the last value. Expressions that exclusively perform side-effects return nil.

Flow Control Expressions

Accordingly, flow control operators are expressions, too!

Flow control operators are composable, so we can use them anywhere. This leads to less duplicate code, as well as fewer intermediate variables.

Flow control operators are also extensible via macros, which allow the compiler to be extended by user code. We won’t be discussing macros today, but you can read more about them at Macros, Clojure from the Ground Up, or Clojure for the Brave and True, among many other places.


if is the most important conditional expression - it consists of a condition, a "then", and an "else". if will only evaluate the branch selected by the conditional.

user=> (str "2 is " (if (even? 2) "even" "odd"))
2 is even

user=> (if (true? false) "impossible!") ;; else is optional


In Clojure, all values are logically true or false. The only "false" values are false and nil - all other values are logically true.

user=> (if true :truthy :falsey)
user=> (if (Object.) :truthy :falsey) ; objects are true
user=> (if [] :truthy :falsey) ; empty collections are true
user=> (if 0 :truthy :falsey) ; zero is true
user=> (if false :truthy :falsey)
user=> (if nil :truthy :falsey)

if and do

The if only takes a single expression for the "then" and "else". Use do to create larger blocks that are a single expression.

Note that the only reason to do this is if your bodies have side effects! (Why?)

(if (even? 5)
  (do (println "even")
  (do (println "odd")


when is an if with only a then branch. It checks a condition and then evaluates any number of statements as a body (so no do is required). The value of the last expression is returned. If the condition is false, nil is returned.

when communicates to a reader that there is no "else" branch.

(when (neg? x)
  (throw (RuntimeException. (str "x must be positive: " x))))


cond is a series of tests and expressions. Each test is evaluated in order and the expression is evaluated and returned for the first true test.

(let [x 5]
    (< x 2) "x is less than 2"
    (< x 10) "x is less than 10"))

cond and else

If no test is satisfied, nil is returned. A common idiom is to use a final test of :else. Keywords (like :else) always evaluate to true so this will always be selected as a default.

(let [x 11]
    (< x 2)  "x is less than 2"
    (< x 10) "x is less than 10"
    :else  "x is greater than or equal to 10"))


case compares an argument to a series of values to find a match. This is done in constant (not linear) time! However, each value must be a compile-time literal (numbers, strings, keywords, etc).

Unlike cond, case will throw an exception if no value matches.

user=> (defn foo [x]
         (case x
           5 "x is 5"
           10 "x is 10"))

user=> (foo 10)
x is 10

user=> (foo 11)
IllegalArgumentException No matching clause: 11

case with else-expression

case can have a final trailing expression that will be evaluated if no test matches.

user=> (defn foo [x]
         (case x
           5 "x is 5"
           10 "x is 10"
           "x isn't 5 or 10"))

user=> (foo 11)
x isn't 5 or 10

Iteration for Side Effects


  • Evaluate expression n times

  • Returns nil

user=> (dotimes [i 3]
         (println i))


  • Iterates over a sequence

  • If a lazy sequence, forces evaluation

  • Returns nil

user=> (doseq [n (range 3)]
         (println n))

doseq with multiple bindings

  • Similar to nested foreach loops

  • Processes all permutations of sequence content

  • Returns nil

user=> (doseq [letter [:a :b]
               number (range 3)] ; list of 0, 1, 2
         (prn [letter number]))
[:a 0]
[:a 1]
[:a 2]
[:b 0]
[:b 1]
[:b 2]

Clojure’s for

  • List comprehension, not a for-loop

  • Generator function for sequence permutation

  • Bindings behave like doseq

user=> (for [letter [:a :b]
             number (range 3)] ; list of 0, 1, 2
         [letter number])
([:a 0] [:a 1] [:a 2] [:b 0] [:b 1] [:b 2])


Recursion and Iteration

  • Clojure provides recur and the sequence abstraction

  • recur is "classic" recursion

    • Consumers don’t control it, considered a lower-level facility

  • Sequences represent iteration as values

    • Consumers can partially iterate

  • Reducers represent iteration as function composition

    • Added in Clojure 1.5, not covered here

loop and recur

  • Functional looping construct

    • loop defines bindings

    • recur re-executes loop with new bindings

  • Prefer higher-order library functions instead

(loop [i 0]
  (if (< i 10)
    (recur (inc i))

defn and recur

  • Function arguments are implicit loop bindings

(defn increase [i]
  (if (< i 10)
    (recur (inc i))

recur for recursion

  • recur must be in "tail position"

    • The last expression in a branch

  • recur must provide values for all bound symbols by position

    • Loop bindings

    • defn/fn arguments

  • Recursion via recur does not consume stack


Exception handling

  • try/catch/finally as in Java

  (/ 2 1)
  (catch ArithmeticException e
    "divide by zero")
    (println "cleanup")))

Throwing exceptions

  (throw (Exception. "something went wrong"))
  (catch Exception e (.getMessage e)))

Exceptions with Clojure data

  • ex-info takes a message and a map

  • ex-data gets the map back out

    • Or nil if not created with ex-info

  (throw (ex-info "There was a problem" {:detail 42}))
  (catch Exception e
    (prn (:detail (ex-data e)))))


(let [f ( "/tmp/new")]
    (.write f "some text")
      (.close f))))

;; Can be written:
(with-open [f ( "/tmp/new")]
  (.write f "some text"))